Homeschooling is not Always Roses

Infact, it can be quite thorny at times. Take for instance this article written by a mother who started homeschooling, while also entering into a marriage with step children. Not only did she continue homeschooling her husbands children, but also began homeschooling her own.

Yes, she shook things up a bit from the way they used to do it (they were previously unschoolers), but she homeschooled in excellence as she wanted to make sure each kid reached his or her full potential.

Her story shows that homeschooling works... that homeschooling makes it easier to fix educational gaps... even that unschooling, has its advantages. Read it.

Read more Notes From a Homeschooling Mom

1 comment:

Lyn Lomasi said...

I also enjoyed Jacci's article.

She had a truly inspiring story.

Homeschooling can be very hard, but it is definitely worth all of it when we get to see our kids excel, especially in the way that Jacci did.

Kudos to you for mentioning her story. I also linked to her on a website of mine. :-)

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...