Are Students Getting Enough Foreign Language Classes?

I had a recent conversation with a relative over teaching foreign language to my kids. This person has a daughter in college who is majoring in languages. I was thoroughly impressed by this young woman. Read more»


DD said...

A recent newsletter from the public middle school said that kids starting high school in the fall of 2008 will be required to have 2 units (unit=1 year) of the SAME foreign language for entrance into any University of Georgia school. Just apparently it is important for college for them to have some strength in one language, rather than a smattering of knowledge of different languages

Ahermitt said...

That is good to know! Our plan is for the kids to take four full years of foreign language learning 2 languages in depth. My son will start next year.

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...