Wisconsin Eliminating Virtual Schools

Yesterday I reported that New York is no longer giving homeshoolers special education and and therapy services. Now I have read that a court ruling threating to pull the plug on Wisconsin Virtual schools.

I find this all very interesting. Let me see if I am getting this right...

  • Parents become disenfranchised
  • Parents begin homeschooling kids
  • Schools see that homeschooling takes money from them
  • Schools want to lure parents back and offer virtual schools and other services
  • Homeschooling parents are smarter than that, and take the services, but don't go back to the schools.
  • Schools pull the plug and cut homeschoolers at the knees.

Now here's what hasn't happened yet.... Ready?

  • Homeschoolers get over it, find other resources and keep homeschooling.


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Anonymous said...

Homeschoolers get over it, find other resources and keep homeschooling.

I don't want to get over it - I like the virtual academy and I think it's a healthy balance of state/federal oversight along with a safe and productive learning environment of home.

I'm not rolling over for the teacher's union... they're just worried they'll be losing money when more efficient online schools start cutting back on the number of physical teachers on the payroll. Nevermind that these kids are actually learning more and doing better than they were in brick and mortar school... it's all about the money.

Ahermitt said...

anonymous, I don't know how old your kids are, but if this is a problem in your area, check out Time4learning which is pretty inexpensive.

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...