Living life in Limbo

I tend to be very quiet when I don't have control of my life... and I don't have control.

It looks like our NYC experiment is almost over.  The timing is wrong to continue... but it all hinges on someone else deciding to hire hubby and him accepting.  We've been in this limbo for a couple of weeks.

After apartment hunting and getting rejected for some sketchy reasons (a conversation for later), I found a nice place to move to, but it is on hold until the decision is cemented.

As I emotionally separate from NYC, I also begin to realize that there are a lot of things I don't like... that are quite troubling indeed... also another conversation.

In the meanwhile, my kids are pretty much all grown up, and repopulating the nest.  It dawns on my that big son won't be leaving for college in the fall... and as he re-arranges and cleans the basement, the realization that he will be around for a couple of years sets in.

The little woman is also planning to take over a second bedroom when she's done so as not to completely trash the one she has.

Hubby is cool with all of this.  He adores his kids and loves having them near.  Don't get me wrong.  I adore them too... probably too much, but...  I don't want to clean after people who are taller than me... and I don't want to cook for them more than 2x a month either.  That's just how I feel.

I've got my own things now.  A business, volunteer work, costuming.  I'm busy and I like it.

So that's where I am.

Homeschooling seems so long in the past right  now.  Maybe I really should look into changing my blog name again.

Life takes over... an update

I haven't blogged.  I haven't written my favorite penpal.  I haven't even had a good tub soak!

In NYC were about to move to a new apartment... It's been nearly a year.

In ATL the business is going well and I'm preparing to design costumes for Children of Eden.

And that's what is going on in my life.

Things that have made me sad:  

Prince Died.

Trump is still running for President. 

Things that made my happy:

The kids will be home soon... my son until he decides he's ready to move out, and  my daughter for the summer. 

I'm costuming Children of Eden.  

And that's my update.  XOXO

NYC Update

I have a partial view for the WTC from my apartment
Yes, NYC is a blast.

But it is also stressful.

And it is also hard.

And I love it.

And I don't like it so much.

I thought I was going to blog about it a lot, but I don't like to be negative, and honestly, there are things that have been a strain.

Living apart.

Financial strain... it costs so much more than you'd think.

Juggling being available for the kids.

Taking care of the house.

The way things are going right, now, we are probably in it for at least another year... But... we are starting the apartment hunt right now, as our current lease is up in May.

We had no problem paying for rent insurance, the first time because if we were new tenants and also own a house, and they want to make sure you won't cut and run... but if you have been a perfect tenant for a year, and financially, you exceed the requirements, then why would you get a letter stating you need to renew this insurance, that amounts to an extra months rent.  I'm not that much in love with my apartment that I would just fork it over, so my next visit will feature apartment hunting, and my next one might include moving... could be across the street, could be across the city, could be across the river in Jersey.  I guess we will see.... first hubby is going to talk to them about removing that requirement... cuz, that's just crazy and unjust.  I would miss the current view though.

So... yeah, enjoying this respite in NY, I head back to GA in a few days to dive back into costuming and merchandising my Vintage store space.

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...