The week before tech week

My daughter's show is in less than 2 weeks.  This week is the week before tech week, which means rehearsals, and sewing, sewing, sewing.  (I am in charge of costumes).

This is the last show I will be costuming for my kid's homeschool program, but I am becoming really serious about working/interning for a local theater next year to get some more experience and maybe going into doing this full-ish time.

Meanwhile, I will enjoy this last show for what it is, and enjoy working with the kids and parents one last time.

I can't believe this school year is winding down so quickly!


Ohhhh, Pinterest

In preparation for having an empty nest, I have been organizing and cleaning out.  I tend to make a lot of purchases on clearance sales, and so I buy things pretty cheaply, in anticipation of need.  Of course, I haven't used everything I have purchased- not so much to be embarrassed about it, but enough to have surplus.

So as I sort and eliminate, and clean, and organize, I have found Pinterest to be very useful.  Just browsing the pictures gives me plenty to brainstorm about, and helps me figure out how I will organize items so that I will know where everything is, and I can consume it before buying anything new.

I have to say it has worked very well.  My linen closet (actually toiletry closet) is done. Under all sinks are done.  My school supplies organized. My daughter's room is done.  I just did our kitchen medicine cabinet.

I am very happy.

On the downside, Pinterest has also tempted me to start sewing, and to completely switch rooms in the house.  I am moving my office out of the bedroom, making the room more peaceful, and  giving me a dedicated place to work.  My daughter has already been consolidated back to one room, instead of two, and the guest room is being moved to her sewing room/computer room.  So while the site has been useful in giving me tons of ideas for organization, it has also given me a lot more work to do.


Ps.  Thanks to Pinterest, I have found these this type of containers to be very useful.


Sooooo close to finished.... yet so far.

It is so hard to focus on the final academics that need to be done before graduation.  There are almost 2 months before graduation, so there is plenty of time, but a lot of that time is accounted for with the SR. Project for her arts program.  She has had to write, design, and will need to rehearse and perform a show on graduation day.  So I want the academics done.

Left to do:

2 Lifepac paces for Physical science
1 term paper for economics.
1 full .5 credit study on health.

The college she is going to also wants her to take a math test, a writing test, and a spanish test online right away.

Meanwhile, I am having problems pulling her attention from her SR. Project, as that is most exciting.


I'm just glad to know that I won't have to micro-manage her work anymore.  She responds much better to teachers (like the one who is mentoring her Sr. Project).  I'm not worried about college... just anxious to get 12th grade finished.


English - Done!

I took my girl this morning to take the Analyzing and Interpreting Lit CLEP.  She passed the test my a good margin, and so I am pleased with her progress in Language arts for Grade 12.  She has also earned college credit for one class.  (Had she gone to another college, it would have been worth 6 credits.

If find it interesting that she passed this test without any extra studying, and based on the wealth of her accrued knowledge alone.  It just reinforces to me that Language Arts / Literatures is definately her natural inclination, and also that a ton of reading will have big rewards later.

As for the remaining 7 weeks of school, she has to complete 2 papers, finish 5 chapters of health, and 2 chapters of physical science.

Then there's the senior project and performance.

I can't believe the finish line is so close.


12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...