Weed makes them better moms?

There are a group of moms making the talk show rounds advocating for legalizing marijuana, saying that weed makes them better mothers.

What are they smoking???

Oh... wait.

But seriously, I am watching three women on The View right now who are taking MEDICINAL marijuana.  They have serious diseases and canibus is the only drug that helps them function... and so that does make them better mothers.

But... I think that there is a difference between using medicinal weed and having marijuana themed parties.  I feel that this crosses the line and makes the drug more attractive to those who don't need it.  Who in their right mind throws a party to take their medicine?  Glucophage soirĂ©e anyone?


Is Paula Dean really a racist villain?

Four years ago, I was in Los Angeles California for a pageant activity  my daughter was in.  We decided to take one of our free days and go see "Who's smarter than a 5th grader".  It was a celebrity edition.  One celebrity was a racer.  The other was Paula Dean.

Long story short... Paula Dean was not smarter than a 5th grader.  I doubt she was smarter than a 2nd grader.  But she was charming, and self-depricating in a way that made her endearing to the crowd.  I suspect it is that personality that has propelled her through her career and made a celebrity "chef".

I am very sad about the current pickle she has found herself in.  She has been tagged as a blatant racist and many of the same people who have built her up over the years are now tearing her down.  As a black person, I am usually pretty offended by racism when it shows up in the media and in people who are supposed to be role models.  Paula Dean is a great example that you can be lower than low and pull yourself up and accomplish anything.  Now she is an example that if you make one mistake, you will find yourself back in the gutter.

My kids and I talk about racism from time to time.  I have taught them that there are people in this world who are color blind and don't even notice race.  Then there are people in this world who are racist and have no idea that they are... you know- they have black friends and all.  Then there are those who make no bones about being racist.  I believe that if Paula Dean is in fact racist, she may be the type that has no idea.  Unfortunately, she was probably raised in family that made no bones about it.

It's too bad really.  I feel really bad for her.  I pray that she can use this incident to speak out against racial bias and misconceptions.  Heck, if Martha Stewart can go to jail and come out still in full swing of her career, than hopefully Paula Dean can take a few lumps and make something good of it.


Leggings are not pants

They're not... they are just not.  They are stockings or perhaps tights with the foot cut off.

There are exceptions.  Sometimes they are made of a heavier fabric that you can't see skin through... in this case, they are more like yoga pants, but barely.  They are still mostly tights or some kind of hybrid.

So here's my problem.  There is a big uproar about a TSA agent who chastised a 15 year old girl for wearing leggings as pants.  He (I believe) told her to cover up because of her age.  (Perhaps he has a 15 year old daughter too.) She found his behavior creepy and inappropriate and let her dad know.  Good girl.  The result of that is that they are trying to get the person fired, and hundreds of people are jumping on the band-wagon defending her clothing choice.

Actually, I kind of want to defend her too, as I feel like adults should not address teenagers who aren't bothering anyone.  They especially should not address them harshly.  If you have a problem, look for the parent and if you can't find one, then walk away. ( I can imagine myself pulling dad aside and saying "your daughter may not realize it, but I can clearly see her underwear through her leggings, perhaps she has a mini skirt in her luggage.)  But don't mess with someone's baby.  You might get your jugular torn out.  I know I almost ripped someone a new one at DMV last week because my daughter's naturally loud voice (from being on the stage) interrupted her from trying to spell her text messages or something.  So, yeah.  Mind your business.

But at the end of the day, is no one brave enough to mention that the Emperor... err. young lady is actually not wearing pants.  They are leggings.  She has on a reasonably long shirt, which is the rule I have for my daughter when wearing leggings (you need to have on something with it that covers your butt... coming down to fingertip length).  But the shirt is open, so it's not doing its job. But noooo they are jumping all over the response to the girl not being covered and are ignoring the elephant in the room.

Here's the link:    Am I crazy?  Am I wrong.  Are those not leggings... and the ones you can pretty much see through?

But this is none of my business.  Right?  There's just one thing that bugs me.  I have been first hand witness to what happens when a parent defends a kid to the point of ignoring the child's offense or issue.  But instead of letting this be a chance to have a conversation about little things you can do to adjust your wardrobe to make sure you don't get caught in the wrong light revealing too much, they chose to start a campaign against slut-shaming.  I feel like it just sets up the child in the future for never taking responsibility for their own actions... And that's really sad.


What am I supposed to say about local public schools

I hate these conversations.  New person moving into the area asks me which school district is best.  How do I answer that?  I truly believe they all pretty much suck.  Technically, the area I live in has the best schools.  There is even a premium to buy a house in my neighborhood.  The same exact house on the other side of town is $30,000 cheaper.  For real.

Still, after 2 years attendance in this magnificently wonderful school district, I pulled my kids out.

Classroom trailers
Too much ADHD testing
Not enough gifted testing
Bullying on the Elementary level (not even middle school yet)
Child safety is very questionable.

How do I in good conscience recommend these schools.  I know this person does not want to homeschool, so I just tell them what they want to hear- I guess.

Stay on top of your child's education and they will be fine wherever you put them.  That means, read every piece of paper that comes into the house.  Volunteer at the school.  Sit with them during homework.  Don't let guidance counselors make decisions for them... be involved.

Still, I know that is not enough, but what am I supposed to say?
I know that test scores and drop out rates numbers are misrepresented.
I know that our schools guilty of the same CRCT cheating that Atlanta Schools are in trouble for.
... and so much more.

But I am not here to convince you to homeschool or to volunteer to homeschool for you.  Don't know what else to do.


12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...