Are we done yet?

My son got his college diploma in the mail yesterday!  His GPA is good.  His GPA for his Major is impressive.  I know I've said I would not hinge his post homeschooling success on his homeschooling, but ... it is hard not to.

He was homeschooled.  He went to college.  It was hard.  But he finished and finished well.

Now, the question is what kind of job will he get.  All sure-fire possibilities are close to the college in a town he does not want to live in... so the search begins.  Also, his dad and I are trying to get him to consider grad school.  30 credits to a Masters degree.  He's thinking about it.

Actual graduation is in December.  He'd like to skip it.  We are going and acting a fool.

Anger and Loathing with AT&T

I tried to handle this privately.
(update at bottom)
I tried to work one on one with AT&T, but after 9 hours on the phone with them, 90 minutes at a time, and after they all but welcomed me to try to work out my problem on my Twitter feed :( It is clear that I have no other choice but to blog my issues.

Hold onto your hat.  This is going to be a bumpy ride!

So let's try to start at the beginning, shall we?

Back in late July, when it was almost time for my daughter to return to college, her cell phone broke.  Her cellphone is on a 3 year payment plan, and we all know cell phones last 2 years tops, but fine...

Her Store Update

I have had my vintage store for about six months now, and I am just getting the hang of it.  In my case, small items rarely sell, and some get stolen.  Big items, preferably hand painted go the fastest, even when painting lowers the value of the item.  Go figure.

Here are some of the more recent items up for sale:

I've been quiet too long

This blog has been quiet too long. That's because I have struggled to maintain any modicum on decorum and composure on the subject matter that has been heave on my heart for the last couple of years, moreso the last six months. Therefore I have stuck to just personal life adventure and anecdotes.  

But. I . Just. Cannot.

One too many black people was shot this week.  Actually, one too many black person was shot a few years, ago, beginning with Trayvon Martin, but I have seriously hit a wall.  Here are some lines from my Facebook page to explain how I am feeling: 

I've been working real hard to find something positive to post today... And it was hard. Nothing but negativity, blatant racism, and dirty politics has graced my feed so far today. Then I found this beautiful video of our First Lady, making a speech to empower girls. I was so happy to find something shareable. Then I made the mistake of reading the comments. Why did someone choose to call her a man? Why? What is wrong with people lately?
 Attacks against black and brown people at an all time high since Trump.
Anyone woman who wears a sign that says "Trump That B*tch" is punching herself in the face.
I have been told that I was spoiling my kids by getting them new and late model cars with perks like OnStar. Humph. While there are some very good people, I'm not going to trust that a stalled car or etc will not be the end of them. I don't ever want them to have car trouble. I'm willing to pay for that.

I feel like we are dealing with ethnic cleansing in America. Does that seem like an over-reaction? This is typically how it starts... a few cases you can ignore. I feel like a victim of domestic terrorism.
People who know me know that I am not a racial type person. You can read my previous posts  on Being Black and Homeschooling to find out that I just want us all to get along... but.

I have come to the strong conclusion that black people just aren't safe, and it starts in the schools. Black children are conditioned to be angry, uncomfortable, and to feel unloved.  They are taught to be the class clowns and the trouble makers. By the time they are adults, they have a chip on their shoulders and an exception that people are going to consider them bad, so why not be bad.

I have a one word solution for this problem.


OK... two words.

To be continued....

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...