Why are homeschoolers allowed to homeschool when teachers need certification?

This question was presented to me on the website Quora.  I decided to go ahead and make a vide.  This was my answer.... to that rude, rude question.

Stop Downplaying and Apologizing for Homeschooling: A 1-minute Rant

Seriously ya'll.  It does no one any good to downplay yourself to make someone else feel good.  Especially when you know you are rocking it!


So the next time you find yourself at a party, surrounded by public school die-hards or teachers, just say "Yes, I chose something different and I am really happy about it" or change the subject.  You are not obligated to defend homeschooling to the masses.

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.

 Stay tuned... meanwhile, there is this.


College prep Homeschool program grades 9-11

In previous college prep videos I discuss how to start the homeschooling journey in grade 9 In this post, I will list all my videos for grades 9-11.

College Prep Math grades 9-11

 College prep Language Arts and History grades 9-11

College Prep Science Grades 9-11

College Prep foreign language and electives

 Stay tuned for my video covering the 12 grade year.

My Favorite Things

Throwback photo of daughter

College Prep Homeschool 8th grade foreign language

In this video I share ways to approach the foreign language requirement for homeschooled students.  Doing a survey of foreign languages in middle school, then it will be apparent which foreign language they should tackle for high school.  Colleges require a student to have two years of foreign language under their belt.  Many give a foreign language test.  Some only test in Spanish.  If the student passes this test than they don't have to take any foreign language in college.

Dealing with Detroit Illiteracy problem, and links to free literacy sites

So, I made this video about the state of education in Detroit in an effort to urge parents to take their kids out of school and homeschool them.

As a result, people are engaging me in conversation over the topic, and it seems that certain celebrities and leaders are looking into forming alternative schools... and I asked, why not do something different?  Why not try a homeschool model... traditional schooling hasn't worked, why do more of the same thing?

I got an answer I wasn't expecting. 

Parent's are struggling with illiteracy issues.  How can they teach their children?  I am floored.

My answer... online, with technology.  This conversation continues, seriously.  I am considering traveling to Detroit.  Let me find the right people to meet up with.  I am there.

Meanwhile, I am listing some free literacy online programs.  Parents and kids can sit side by side and learn to read if necessary.

Can't read to your kids?  Let actors do it. https://www.storylineonline.net/
More storytime by performers: https://blog.reallygoodstuff.com/11-free-reading-websites-for-kids/3/
Free phonics and vocabulary http://www.readingbear.org/
Teach your monster to read: https://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/
ABC Fast Phonics http://www.abcfastphonics.com/

These are just a few I found via google. 

If you are in Detroit (or anywhere) and are worried about your kids' literacy, and have internet access, spend the summer having your kids use these sites just to play around.  You'll be surprised how much they learn.

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...