People Don't Want Teachers (part 2)

My last post on People Don't Want Teachers, I mentioned how in my area, there aren't a lot of parent run homeschool co-ops but instead hybrid schools so parents can essentially check out for a few hours or even for a full day.  I am not saying there is anything wrong with that, (especially since I live my child-free Mondays) it is just an observation that parents like to take advantage of the time the kids are with teachers, meaning these teachers also become babysitters.

In public schools, this is multiplied exponentially. I remember standing at the school bus stop back when my kids went to public school.  Mom's started debating year round schooling.  One mom insisted that it was necessary because parent's didn't get summers off and had to PAY for childcare during that time of the year.  She felt that if school was year round, then parents would be able to save money and not need childcare.  I was kinda floored. When I replied that childcare was not the purpose of school, learning was, she got annoyed.

I think of parents, we must learn to differentiate between education and childcare for our kids.  While the two things can and do overlap, we musn't fool ourselves that when our kids are not in our care, that someone else isn't parenting them.  We also musn't fool ourselves that all the time spent in school or in classrooms are spent actively learning.

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1 comment:

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

I hear ya! BUT the problem for parents like me, esp. with special needs kids, is that I can NOT really volunteer practically. I have too many other children NO ONE ELSE is able to mind who need me. And yet my children are the ones who need the most help during class. So I am the one with zero favours to call in and the one who always needs the favour. Um, the fact that I DID favours for everyone and their dog years ago apparently no longer counts. :)

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...