Finding Fulfillment outside of your kids

As a homeschooler it is easy for a mom to ignore herself and need for personal fulfillment.  I am especially good at saying I am fulfilled by seeing my kids learn and knowing that they are happy, but the truth is I have a little somethin', somethin' going on- on the side.

As a artist it is very important for me to keep creating, and so I have this line of homeschool pridewear that I designed in my spare time.  I also stay open to doing at least 1 mural a month though I turned one down yesterday.  The guy just wanted the store hours printed 12 feet up on the wall of his resturaunt (Outback Steak House).  I forwarded the request onto a male artist... I figured he would get a kick of painting from a ladder.  Lately I have felt a calling to paint more, so I am promising myself that the kids and I will burn up some serious paint brushes and canvasses this summer.... why not get them involved with my hobbies?

Lastly writing...   I tend to want to write more in the winter and feel the need to do it less right now so blogging is filling my desire to write for now.  So though I don't have the time I used to, to pour into myself, I do steal moments and make the most of them.

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12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...