Seven Disadvantages of Homeschooling

When answering the post on Yahoo answers requesting 7 disadvantages of homeschooling, I had a had a hard time taking it seriously. I had to ask myself, self, why seven reasons? Why not two good reasons, why not 10 bad reasons?

But I pulled myself together and gave it a shot. Here is my list of 7 disadvantages of homeschooling..

  1. Other people treat you as if you have lost your mind
  2. Nosy stranges ask your kids why they are not in school, and try to give you lists of schools that would work for you
  3. Everyone asks you "what about socialization?"
  4. You learn to recognize the look that says "oh, you're one of THOSE people"
  5. Your relatives call you every year and ask, "when are you going to put thosse kids back in school"
  6. You have to actually spend time WITH your childen (wait, is that a disadvantage?)
  7. Finally, and most seriously, if your children do not learn, you can't blame the school system.

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12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...