The value of staying put...

My daughter has been struggling with fractions. She understands how to add and subtract them, but gets confused when it comes improper fractions and mixed numbers, so although she understands it in theory, many of her answers are wrong. If she were in school, They would have moved on to multiplying fractions by now, but I have no reason to move forward before she fully understands these computations.

This morning I figured out a way to make converting fractions to and from mixed numbers make sense.

I had her first write a mixed number as an improper fraction, and then simplify it. Next, I had her convert it back to a mixed number.

If the answer is equivalent to the original number, then it is correct, only the fraction is in its simplest form.

Here are some examples:

5 2/8 = 42/8 = 21/4 = 5 1/4


6 3/6 = 39/6 = 13/2 = 6 1/2

When she can get a page of these right (5 or 6) then I know she is ready to multiply fractions.

If anyone else has any tips for converting fractions that might turn her light bulb on faster, I am always open to suggestions

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12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...