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While writing about our homeschool adventures is one of the most cathartic things we as often-isolated homeschoolers can do, reading the writing of other homeschoolers is both enlightening and educational.
This week’s carnival of homeschooling holds the thoughts, discoveries, experiences, and teachable moments of homeschoolers from... well, everywhere, including me!

Read it now, especially if you are feeling like you need a connection with someone who does not think you have lost your mind.

Homeschool message boards are something you might want to avoid, at least when you are new to homeschooling. It gets pretty hot in there. In this instance, a blogger asks, "Do you ever think the U.S. will change to the point that Homeschooling will not be allowed any more?”

Both arguments and agreements are passionate. Some are kind and some are downright mean. When reading these, make sure you balance what is said with what you know and believe. Understand also, that some people are not coming from a healthy place. I found this response especially unhealthy: " Yes. The US will change. For the most part, the changes will be incremental, but they will be relentless. Twenty years ago, the only people who homeschooled were families who were powerfully committed to it—the ostracism be dashed. Today, home schooling is so easy that any bimbo can get started. Sooner or later, two things will happen:

One, there will be some horrendous high-profile abuse of the system which will incite a clamor for more control. ... Secondly, a lot of the aforementioned bimbos who tried home schooling for a season, washed out, and then put the kids back in government schools will be overtaken by arrogance. They say to themselves, 'If someone as smart as me can't so it, then no one should be allowed to, at least not without some training.' Many home schoolers won't see this one coming and will be left stammering, "B-but they used to be one of us!" But now these people who are embittered against home education because it did not work for them will start lobbying and telling stories about every horrible experience they ever encountered. "

What's up with that person? Is name calling really necessary?

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12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...