re: 8 teens arrested for beating cheerleader

See my previous video for background info.

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1 comment:

Mama Teaching 3 said...

YEAH! We are putting CHILDREN in a room with one - two adults at the most and other children the same age! They are around their peers more than they are around the adults that should be teaching them! We are in a place right now where parents do not know their kids! They are rushed to school, they form these strange bonds and clicks with children the same age, they then talk about how horrible their parents are and how they hate their siblings, and then they come home. And what do they do there? They do homework. They eat a quick dinner, maybe it is nutritious, and they are with games and tv until bedtime.

Most public school children are just wards of the state they live in. And we have this thing where everything else can be blamed! We can never take the blame.

I see it in my public schooled peers. It is laughable! Because what else can you do?

We can only take our babies, raise them, DISCIPLINE THEM, and protect them until they are of age to protect themselves.

I agree...if my child did this it would be bad! BUT my child knows this before hand. He knows I will hurt him! And he knows the blame would not be on YOUTUBE! A can we blame a program?

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...