That's it... the kids need to learn how to drive

My kids officially have lives.  There are late night rehearsals, rides to friends houses, errands, parties, and relaxation preferences that don't necessarily align with my wants and needs.

With this week being tech-week, with a play this weekend, there are late night rehearsals 40 minutes away.  I did that drive last night, and got up this morning and drove them back for a full day of classes and another rehearsal...  To top it off, I need to drive my son home at 6 so he doesn't have to wait around for my daughters long rehearsal.

If we lived in a city, life would be easier, because hopefully they could walk or take public transportation to where they wanted to go (That's how we did it)... but as suburban homeschoolers everything means a drive.

So, somewhere I lost control of my time and the only way to get it back is for the kids to drive.  Wait...that means more car payments.


WalletPop Contributor

1 comment:

Tutoring Match said...

From the moment they start school, home or not, it's a never ending drive for parents...or so it seems! Good Luck!

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...