It's super hard to find free websites these days.
We are compiling a list of resources and have created a playlist here:
Check it out
maps, Art, history, images, and more.
It's super hard to find free websites these days.
We are compiling a list of resources and have created a playlist here:
Check it out
maps, Art, history, images, and more.
We truly appreciate all of you taking the time to participate in our survey and look forward to reading all of the results. It truly helps us to be the best magazine that we can be! And won't you please share the link to the homeschool survey with your homeschool groups or friends so they can participate and get the free ebooks before Friday? We'd love to hear from them too! Sincerely, |
Your Friends at The Old Schoolhouse Magazine |
We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript. Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...