It takes about 4 hours a day to homeschool
This video is specifically about black homeschoolers in Louisiana turning to homeschooling, but one of the teachers/parents makes it clear how much can be accomplished in a short amount of time.
5 Homeschooling battles I stopped fighting
I loved it so much I am going to copy her a bit... This is sincere flattery. So, here are the homeschooling battles that I have stopped fighting.
1. Curriculum comparison: Unless I see that you have a curriculum that I have been thinking about, I probably won't talk to you about it. Unless, you ask about my curriculum, I also won't talk to you about it. ... And even then, I will keep the conversations to a bare minimum. I have seen too many curriculum discussions come close to fisticuffs or at the least, leaving an insecure or newbie homeschooling mother in tears. It's not that important. Just pick something and use it.
2. Defending homeschooling: I don't care what my neighbors think, what my friends think, what my parents think, what my siblings think, what my in-laws think, and most importantly what strangers think. I am not going to have any more of THOSE conversations trying to convince someone that I am doing the right thing by homeschooling. I will encourage homeschooling for people who are looking
This blog is not for homeschoolers, per se
I moved this blog to a homeschool blog site many years back, but only for a short while, because I realized that I was not being read. I was preaching to the choir. I really didn't have a whole lot to offer that wasn't already being offered in that environment, so I moved back to blogger.
I am not saying that I don't think my blog is useful, because I know it is. It is just a whole lot more useful to the homeschool-curious and to brand new homeschoolers than to established homeschoolers. Based on the notes I have gotten regarding my homeschool blogs over the years, it is clear that people just starting on their homeschool journey appreciate my blog and are even encouraged by it. So, that is good enough for me.
As my blog shifts this coming year from being ramblings of a mom in the midst of homeschooling to being a veteran homeschooler here to encourage those who come after me, I promise to stay loyal to those who need the most encouragement. There is really no need in me echoing the sentiments and trying to give instruction to those homeschoolers who already have found their way. I know who my customers are, and that consumer engagement is very important to me.
That does leave me with some questions though. If you are a regular reader to my blog and are encouraged, please let me know. Also please ask questions as I try to focus this blog to be less self gratifying and more encouragement focused.
Can you homeschool my kid?
Then answer is NO.
I will however, help you to homeschool your kid. Here are my reasons.
1. It's called HOMEschooling for a reason..... your home, not mine. Once you send your child to someone else's home for instruction, it ceases to be homeschooling and becomes a small private school. This is LAW in many states. Now that may be fine for someone seeking to find a qualified homeschooler to work with their child, but if that person is still homeschooling their own children, as I am, it changes the dynamic in the home and can take away (and in some cases add to) the education of my own child. This is the main reason I say NO.
2. Homeschooling is more about family relationship than academics. I spent my first year of homeschooling strictly relationship building with my kids (after taking them out of public school). Once I felt our relationship was re-claimed, I was then able to teach, and mold, and challenge them academically. This is hard to do with someone else's child. I am not exactly easy on my kids, and without the close parental relationship, I don't know that I would get the same results, in fact, they would very likely feel frustrated. No one knows a child like their own parent. No one can push a child in the same way as their own parent, and no one knows when to pull back and give a breather like their own parent. This is why I feel homeschooling should be done strictly by parents.
3. If you can't control your own kid, what makes you think I can? In most of the circumstances where I am asked to homeschool someone else's kid, the parent is at their wits end. They don't know what to do with the kid, and they are hoping that I can create a miracle. I''m just not that good. As the parent, you need to regroup, maybe see a family counselor, and get on proper footing with your child before you can start homeschooling them, or asking for someone else's help.
With all that said, I will now tell you that I WILL assist people in the homeschooling of their child. I will TUTOR them in subject where I am capable. I will refer them to tutors in subjects where I am not strong. I will also act as a parental guide and guidance counselor for the child. In my past experiences of working with homeschooling families, I have been most successful where supported the child 30% and the parent 70% allowing the parent child teacher-relationship to remain in tact.
So while I won't homeschool your kid, if you need help or guidance, I am here to help.
Homeschooling does not have to be expensive.
Note: The inexpensive curriculum I purchased for my nephew were "Teacher Wraparound" editions of public school textbooks. These books have the same page the student's edition would have, but it is a bigger page with notes written on the sides and bottom to give the "teacher" information on presenting the material to the students. A highly involved parent with average intelligence can easily teach from these books.
Just search for "teacher wraparound" on with the subject you need. Here's an example:
ps. Older editions, USED, cost just a few dollars plus shipping.
WalletPop Contributor
Brighthub Contributor
On Homeschoolers Promoting Homeschooling
I have to applaud his effort, but as a parent who has homeschooled for over 8 years, I suggest a different approach. In my experience, nothing has won people over to homeschooling better than setting an example. By simply homeschooling my own kids, appearing "normal", and having my kids thrive and turn into productive young adults, I have seen more people warm up to homeschooling and even consider it as a valid educational option. Sure it takes time, but it wins them over for good.
Sure, you can take promoting homeschooling on as a project, and try Mr. Blumenfeld's approach, but it seems very stressful, and you will need to do a lot of work to convince others to homeschool and to keep them on board. Furthermore, it will take precious time away from your children's homeschool journey.
Homeschool Blogging A-Z: O is for Online Classes
Tapping Into Their Genius
Hearing a mom say that surely has many rolling their eyes, but I have always felt that every child was gifted at .. something. It is up to the parent and educators to help them find what that area of giftedness is and to bring it out.
Over the years I have become frustrated with people who told me that my child wasn't ready for this or that based on their age or based on what other kids were doing. It seemed strange to me that I was homeschooling and that people still expected me to follow the crowd. It has been hard fighting a tide of when a child is supposed to do what and when, but as the parent and educator is has been my goal to and my responsibility to advocate for my children and to get them the resources they needed.
I wish I had met these people (The Staffords) a few years ago and known that they had a program to help parents accelerate their kids. (I was aware of them, but not the program Mrs. Stafford is running.)
My kids are almost done homeschooling, but I will glean what I can. Meanwhile, I feel this is important information for all of you homeschoolers with younger kids.
WalletPop Contributor
Brighthub Contributor
How much does it cost to homeschool? What we pay
OK now...
I am going to preface my list pay saying, "the cost of the materials and programs I use are not typical of the average homeschool experience, but are unique to the needs to the particular homeschool children in question and the resources the parents have opted to use for their homeschooling needs and pleasure".
With that said, here goes:
2 Children, grades 10&11, both in a fine arts school for homeschoolers for 12 hours on Tuesdays, and doing mostly AP level work the other 4 days of the week.
- $24.00 on required T-shirts for arts program.
- $40.00 on new dance (jazz) shoes, Leotards, and tights for Daughters Tuesday Dance class. (got great deals on eBay and Amazon.)
- $50.00 on a film camera for my son's film photography class. (I got off easy this year. Last year he took digital photography, and the camera cost over $300... he still uses it.)
- $50.00 on a case of film for said camera
- $100 on lab fees for developing film
- $140 on supplies for son's graphic design class.
- $5.00 on back to school sale fillers for binders (son's being re-used).
- $20.00 splurge on daughter Hello Kitty organization folder. (if a 14 year old asks for hello kitty and bats her eyes, momma's gonna buy it for her.
- $10.00 splurge for daughters Hello Kitty lunch box which will be used once a week.
- $4000.00 tuition and fees for 2 homescoolers to take 6 classes each including dance, private music lessons, drama club, & etc. Each class is only $320 a year which works out pretty cheaply. I paid more the year I ran all over town doing electives at many different places. I used to pay $1500 for private piano lessons alone. (we make monthly payments)
- $0 daughter's math curriculum (*free online program)
- $0 son's math curriculum (*free online)
- $20.00 suggested calculus book to accompany free curriculum (purchased from Amazon)
- $0 son and daughter's biology (*free online)
- $10.00 suggested biology book to accompany free curriculum (Amazon)
- $0 Spanish (using Rosetta stone, purchased 3 years ago for son, and *free online program for daughter)
- $5.00 suggested Spanish textbook to accompany online program.
- $70.00 Language arts (For Such A Time As This series)
- $0.00 History *free online program
- $0.00 Chinese online curriculum (*free)
- $10.00 Chinese character book for daughter
- $10.00 supplemental historical novels.
- $0.00 for additional literature as we used public domain and paperback swap to trade books already read.
Per child, roughly $2282... Compare that to the cost of educating a child in public school which on average us just shy of $10,000.
(Without the optional arts classes and related supplies it would only be about $65.00 per child, so you can see that you don't need to have money to homeschool. You can even form groups and create your own electives, or trade services for elective classes. )
1. I justify spending so much on electives for two reasons. The kids love it and the girls is especially talented... the boy is shy and this helps him be more outgoing.... I like to think. Plus he does love it.
2. I make use of as much free curriculum as possible, so I can spend the homeschool budget on extras.
(ps. in previous and more prosperous years, the kids also took academic classes out of the home one day a week, so they were in classes two days a week and home 3 days doing assignments. That costs roughly $3500 per child... still far less than what public schools pay and probably near the top of what a homeschooler might pay.)
*See the tab (2010-2011 Curriculum Choices ) at the top of the page for the exact curriculum and books we have settled on.
WalletPop Contributor
How to get started homeschooling
Anyway, this video is concise, and well informed.
WalletPop Contributor
My comments on Ramifications of Homeschooling
Commentary on video in question:... Playing with other children, Engaging aspects of childhood was something we were unable to do because of lack of seeing children outside of their families. Homeschooled kids face the same consequences. A child who hasn't effectively learned how to deal with childhood conflicts cannot deal with adult conflicts. A child should become and active member of an organization that offers compromizing skills such as girl scouts, boy scouts or some form of sports in their community. Anything of this nature would improve the outcome. In my school, we spent most of the day praying in church and in class. Who is to say that in Homeshchooling, the children are receiving a full education which I even lacked in a paraochial school?
My response:
So that was a little clip from a vide from Doris Anne 13, and I'll put the link somewhere... over there. Umm, and someone just sent me this link and I was like ... It's late at night, I was like getting my last wind before I went to sleep. I was just flipping through the internet and someone sent me this link, and I had to get out of my bedd and come into the bathroom to make a video response because it just couldn't wait until morning. So anyway, Miss Doris Anne wants to change the face of homeschooling and she gets her theory from her own personal education.
Ya'll, She went to Catholic school in the 1950's. And so basically she says that because she didn't get second things because she was in catholic school in the 1950's, that it equates to what homeschoolers are not getting. Let me tell you what... I want to catholic school too... in the 1970's. I got a very good education. I left Catholic school in the 8th grade and went to public high school and did extremely well. But, getting there alive... was half the problem... Let me tell you what! Those Catholic school kids were brut-al.
So, umm, you can't equate homeschooling school today to parochial school in the 1950's. You can't even equate homeschooling today to parochial school in the 1970's. Um, I lived in New Orleans in the late 1990's early 2000's and I watched catholic school kids get on and off the bus every day. They were completely off the chain! They were completely out of control. You can't even equate homeschooling to day with parochial school in the late 1990's early 2000's.
So let's just say that Miss Doris Anne's view of what homeschooling is is antiquated at the very, very, very, best. With that said, someone with her veiw point and rigid opinion who hasn't even bothered to look into homeschooling any deeper than to say, "well, I didn't enjoy my catholic school education, so homeschoolers are not enjoying their education ... please be quiet.
I mean yeah, I guess that's rude but ...REALLY? That is just so uneducated. It just comes from a place of personal predjudice. I mean, come-on. I got my butt wooped almost everyday in catholic school, but I am not going to tell another parent that they cannot bring their kids to catholic school, should they so please.
I got into a couple of fights in high school ... kids today when they get into the same fight they get cut and shot. As a matter of fc, my younger brother who was behind me 8 years in public school did get cut. Well, yeah, I'm from NY and maybe the area is a little toughter than it is here. I guess what I want to say is that when people upload crap like that, they re not really researching well because she talking about some judge who says kids are getting emotional neglect and education repsect and the whole deal.
All of that stuff has been blown out of the water Ya'll. The socialization myth is a myth and not more than that. M kids socialize so much that I struggle to find time at home to actually do the school work.
I don't know... thank you to the person who sent me the link ... but what a waste of breath! Great Scott! Anyway, I guess that's all I have to say.
More commentary from video in question:
blah, blah, blah, educational monitoring system, blah blah, state to state. More of my experiences can be found in my book, The torment of the Modern secluded... something.
More from me:
The torment of the modern secluded what? So you see what I mean, I mean, Ms Doris Anne Bellieu is trying to sell a book. I don't know who she is speaking to. I don't know what choir she's preaching to. There are alot of people out there who re threatened by hhomeschoolers... because children aren't being CONTROLLED and they aqren't all thinking alike life eveyrone else. I don't know. Im m going back to bed,,,.s ee ya'll later.
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Great Deals on School & Homeschool Curriculum
Homeschooling in Gwinnett
Anyway, it is stictly local listing homeschooling resources in my local area.
Homeschooling in Gwinnett.
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Responsible Parents must do Some Degree of Homeschooling
One person in particular has a child who needs a great deal of math help, and I have gone as far as having purchased workbooks and given the parents instructions to help the child, but she seems to feel it is above and beyond the call of duty.
The full article is below.
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Visit Free Home Ed. Homeschool For Free!
Don't Believe What School Officials Tell You
The truth is, all she had to do was send an intent to homeschool notice to the school district, and send in monthly "attendance sheets". She didn't even have to withdraw her child, or speak to the school secretary. (although the withdrawal process keeps the school from calling to see where your kid is.)
OK. First of all, do not listen to the school secretary. What does she know about homeschool regulations. Second of all, read your states homeschooling laws. Do no more than they require. The reason I am telling you this is because school officials will go beyond what is legal to make homeschooling difficult to you. Many are just telling you what they are told so you need to go straight to the source... the homeschool laws for your state.
If you find the laws unclear, look for statewide homeschool support groups that will plainly explain these laws to you.
Read more Notes From a Homeschooling Mom
Visit Free Home Ed. Homeschool For Free!
100 words a homeschooler should know
A Homeschoolers Glossary: Accidental-Charter
100 Words a Homeschooler Should Know Part 1
A Homeschoolers (Home School) Glossary: Classical-Copywork
100 Words a Homeschooler Should Know Part 2
Homeschool Terms You Should Learn: Cover- Detox
100 Words a Homeschooler Should Know Part 3
The Homeschoolers Glossary: Diagnostic-Government
100 Words a Homeschooler Should Know Part 4
A Homeschoolers (home School) Grading-Independent
100 Words a Homeschooler Should Know Part 5
A Homeschoolers Glossary: Journal-Network
100 Words a Homeschooler Should Know Part 6
Homeschool Glossary: Newbie-Portfolio
100 Words a Homeschooler Should Know Part 7
A Homeschoolers Home School Glossary: Positive-Self
100 Words a Homeschooler Should Know Part 8
Homeschoolers Home School Glossary: Sight-S-word
100 Words a Homeschooler Should Know Part 9
A Homeschoolers Glossary: Textbook-Workbook
100 Words a Homeschooler Should Know Part 10
Read more Notes From a Homeschooling MomVisit Free Home Ed. Homeschool For Free!
How to Prevent Homeschool Sabotage
Have you ever felt like someone was trying to sabotage your homeschooling
efforts? Have people done things that make you wonder if they are just
pretending to be agreeable while their actions say otherwise?
Read more Notes From a Homeschooling Mom
This Old School House Magazine wants you
We truly appreciate all of you taking the time to participate in our survey and look forward to reading all of the results. It truly helps us to be the best magazine that we can be! And won't you please share the link to the homeschool survey with your homeschool groups or friends so they can participate and get the free ebooks before Friday? We'd love to hear from them too! Sincerely, |
Your Friends at The Old Schoolhouse Magazine |
Read more Notes From a Homeschooling Mom
Are you planning for AFTER homeschooling?
After Homeschooling: Successful Recent Homeschool GraduatesBy dreahwrites, Oct 29, 2007
It is easy to point out that people like Abraham Lincoln and Benjamin Franklin were home schooled. Just about every person alive before 1850 was homeschooling in some capacity. Read more»
After Homeschooling: Preparing to Enter the WorkforceBy dreahwrites, Oct 29, 2007
Not all people who home school have the goal of going to college. Just like many students who attend traditional schools, many home schooled students go directly into the work force. Read more»
Read more Notes From a Homeschooling Mom
Free Home Schooling Websites
Read more Notes From a Homeschooling Mom
12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong
We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript. Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...
