I just got a note from the HSLDA.ORG urging homeschoolers to barrage legislators with calls to stop the Federal Employment Non Discrimination Act. "ENDA would prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of "actual or perceived sexual orientation." They do not want the non discrimination act passed because it means that businesses would have to hire people who were gay or lesbian or were perceived as gay or lesbian. Of course religious organizations are exempt from this law, but HSLDA says that a business would have to prove it was a religious organization. While a church or Christian school might be able to freely discriminate, a business based on religious foundations like Chik Filet, Hobby Lobby, or Wells Real-Estate Funds would have to hire people of all sexual orientations.
Now I am a Christian, and a homeschooler, yet I am offended by this email. First of all, I think it is presumptios of HSLDA or use this "legal service" to homeschoolers as an avenue to control legislation. Yes many homeschoolers are Conservative Christians, but homeschool has become very mainstream in the last decade which includes many gay and lesbian families homeschooling as well. Furthermore, as an African American, I have problems with emails that say "stop and anti discrimination law". They need to open their eyes and take a close look at demographics before sending out such an email.
As a Christian, I have to ask, WHO AM I, to decide that an infeminate man (gay or not) cannot have a job in an organization with Christian roots. WHO AM I to exclude a woman who may be mistaken for a man (lesbian or not) from employment.
Maybe I'm wrong, Maybe I'm crazy, but I won't be calling my legislature to help HSLDA discriminate against people who just want to work.
Read it for yourself. I am kinda glad I let my membership lapse.
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Notes From a Homeschooling Mom