Why we study history

 Here is the first of our Teen-led series on history. 

History is more than just a collection of dates and events; it is the very tapestry of our human experience. It shapes our present and molds our future. Through this series, we will showcase the profound significance of studying history and the countless reasons why it should hold a special place in our hearts and minds.

Join us as we unearth the stories of great civilizations, iconic leaders, revolutionary movements, and ordinary people who changed the course of history. Discover how understanding the past can provide invaluable insights into contemporary issues, offering wisdom for a brighter tomorrow.

Prepare to be enlightened, inspired, and engaged as we embark on this unforgettable expedition through time. History, as we will show, is not just a subject—it's a key to unlocking the mysteries of the human experience. Welcome to "Unlocking the Past" – a series that will forever change your perspective on the world around you.

Long awaited update - I own a curriculum publishing company

About 18 months ago I launched a Kickstarter to get my homeschool curriculum published. 

 The Kickstarter did not work out... at all. 

 That did not deter us a bit. Instead, my business partner and I financed the purchase of our homeschool history textbook from our own pockets, as we had the finances to do so. 

 Several times I posted. Coming next month... coming soon, but we were not able to launch. 

We have our not-for-profit homeschool program to run, and the kids are our first priority. 

 Finally... I feel 99% confident that we are almost there. We are in the layout process. We have launched our YouTube channel where we talk about homeschooling and history. 

Curriculum release date: July 1, 2024

 We can garantee that the final release date for our curriculum will be July 1, 2034. 

This is because we wanted quality, had to use our own money. and so had to bide our time! 

update on Curriculum Release

 As our Kickstarter did now work out, we slowed down the production of our curriculum release as we had to pay editors out of pocket. 

Our new curriculum release date is January 1 2023

Cheese Press Ancient History Kickstarter take 2

update: Kickstarter cancelled. We will be releasing the curriculum soon to the public. 

 Our first Kickstarter for CheesePress History was not funded, so we started over again and have 25 days left to meet our goals.

It seems we are doing even worse than last time. 

It is a bit disappointing. 

But we will prevail. 

We have already paid for editors, but need the pre-orders for printing, packaging, and promotion, but if this fails, you'd better believe I have a plan 1, 2, and 3.  

Chances are, if the project fails to fund, we will release the program one week at a time, or perhaps we will release it in two parts, the fall semester and spring semester. 

But, we will release it. 

In the meantime, please help us get it funded right away because if we can be expedient with this first volume, the next volume will follow it in a matter of months! 

support our K I C K S T A R T E R here

Need help getting the world out about our History Curriculum

 Honestly, I am not sure how to get the word out further. 

For years, on my youtube channel, whenever I mentioned writing a curriculum, folks have told me they wanted whatever I wrote. I finally pulled it together, created, tested, and wrote a curriculum that is to be released in August. 
We have put it on a Kickstarter for pre-orders to make sure we can pay our editors (they are getting paid regardless), but we would like to release the first run without going broke. 

No need to fill out a form for the waiting list anymore, you can go right to Kickstarter.  Here is the link: 


Here is a long-form video that explains more about the curriculum. 

Who is it for? 

Homeschoolers who want the full history story from early man (Ancient History) to modern times. The first of 4 volumes will be released in August. 

Parents of public school students who you want to have a better history experience

Anyone who wants solid historical texts backed by scientific studies and source documents in their home libraries. 

Please check it out, and share it with like-minded people. 

Our Homeschool Program is GROWING!!

 We now have a permanent location in Historic Lawrenceville GA and we are launching the Kickstarter for our first year of curriculum (ancient history), which will be released in August! 

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...