Can homeschoolers get into college?

 In short.... yes. 

Yes, homeschooled students can and do attend college. College admissions processes typically consider a variety of factors, such as standardized test scores, letters of recommendation, extracurricular activities, and, importantly, academic records. For homeschooled students, this academic record may take the form of a transcript, which details the courses they have completed and the grades they have received.

It's essential for homeschooled students to demonstrate their academic abilities and achievements through their application materials. This might include providing a comprehensive transcript, submitting standardized test scores (such as the SAT or ACT), and, in some cases, providing portfolios of work or taking subject-specific tests. Additionally, letters of recommendation and personal statements can help admissions officers understand the student's unique educational background and goals.

It's important for homeschooled students and their parents to research the specific admission requirements of the colleges they are interested in, as these requirements can vary. Some colleges may have specific guidelines or additional documentation for homeschooled applicants. Connecting with the admissions office of the colleges of interest can provide valuable information and guidance in this regard.

Overall, homeschooled students have successfully gained admission to a wide range of colleges and universities, and many institutions have policies and procedures in place to fairly evaluate the applications of homeschooled applicants.

Homeschool Advice: Confessions of a homeschool cheat

 What would you advise the person in this scenario?

click for video short

Apparently, a homeschooled student had been left to their own resources and had been cheating on their homeschool work. 

They wrote this confession on Reddit, which I read on Youtube and gave my best advice?

What would you do it you were the parent?

How would you handle it? 

What would you recommend to the student? 

An introduction to college planning for homeschoolers


Check out the first of many videos on college planning for homeschoolers. 

The college planning journey for homeschoolers offers flexibility and customization in preparing for higher education. Homeschooled students, and their parents or guardians, play a central role in tailoring their academic experiences, which can be both exciting and challenging. This process involves selecting colleges or universities that align with the individualized learning approach, addressing admission requirements, understanding standardized testing options, and effectively showcasing the diverse skills and talents that homeschooling often fosters. College planning for homeschoolers celebrates the freedom to create a personalized educational path while ensuring that these students are well-prepared for the next phase of their academic and career aspirations. This introduction emphasizes the distinct advantages and considerations that homeschoolers encounter as they navigate the college planning process.

Should your homeschooled student do a passion project?

 This is part 1 of Ms. Mere's talk on passion projects. 

Subscribe so you don't miss part 2. 

Passion projects are personal initiatives or activities that individuals pursue out of a deep sense of interest, enthusiasm, and love for a particular subject, hobby, or goal. These projects are typically undertaken voluntarily and are not driven by financial gain or external obligations. They provide a creative outlet for self-expression, personal growth, and the pursuit of one's interests, often resulting in a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. Passion projects can encompass a wide range of activities, from artistic endeavors like painting or writing to entrepreneurial ventures, community service, or any other undertaking that reflects an individual's passions and values.

In homeschooling, they are a way to help your student stand out from the crowd. 

Guidance for passion projects is a service we provide in our homeschool program. We can do this virtually, or in person. Also, check out our passion project worksheet on TeachersPayTeachers. 

Why we study history

 Here is the first of our Teen-led series on history. 

History is more than just a collection of dates and events; it is the very tapestry of our human experience. It shapes our present and molds our future. Through this series, we will showcase the profound significance of studying history and the countless reasons why it should hold a special place in our hearts and minds.

Join us as we unearth the stories of great civilizations, iconic leaders, revolutionary movements, and ordinary people who changed the course of history. Discover how understanding the past can provide invaluable insights into contemporary issues, offering wisdom for a brighter tomorrow.

Prepare to be enlightened, inspired, and engaged as we embark on this unforgettable expedition through time. History, as we will show, is not just a subject—it's a key to unlocking the mysteries of the human experience. Welcome to "Unlocking the Past" – a series that will forever change your perspective on the world around you.

Long awaited update - I own a curriculum publishing company

About 18 months ago I launched a Kickstarter to get my homeschool curriculum published. 

 The Kickstarter did not work out... at all. 

 That did not deter us a bit. Instead, my business partner and I financed the purchase of our homeschool history textbook from our own pockets, as we had the finances to do so. 

 Several times I posted. Coming next month... coming soon, but we were not able to launch. 

We have our not-for-profit homeschool program to run, and the kids are our first priority. 

 Finally... I feel 99% confident that we are almost there. We are in the layout process. We have launched our YouTube channel where we talk about homeschooling and history. 

Curriculum release date: July 1, 2024

 We can garantee that the final release date for our curriculum will be July 1, 2034. 

This is because we wanted quality, had to use our own money. and so had to bide our time! 

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...