Nosy Nosy Neighbor

I think I need some comeback lines.

A very nice lady moved into my neigbhorhood, right across the street from me. She is about 70 years old, but had far, far more energy than I do. She is very helpful, and always has advice to give out... and she gets on my nerves.

Besides using the culdesac and all the properties surrounding it as her personal dog run (she likes the freedom and space to play catch with her dog), she likes to inform me on how I should raise my kids. It doesn't help that she does not approve of homeschooling.

I didn't realize there was a problem at first. My daughter and I went over and helped her whenever she wanted. Sure, she asked questions about homeschooling. Who doesn't? Then one day, my child asked me a question about astonomy that I could not answer... I told her we would have to take a special trip to the planetarium in NY where my dad worked to learn all about it this summer. My neighbor seemed a bit bothered. The next day she showed up with a book and showed me the pages that I needed to teach my children. The book is still in my foyer.

I also noticed one day that a truant officer was sitting in front of my home one day, and drove off when my kids looked out the door. I got a call for my barely late attendance forms the next day. How come this did not happen before she moved in?

I have also noticed that she likes to point out to me as much as possible how different my kids are from the other kids in the neighborhood.

"They all come and ply with my dog, why doesn't your son?"
he doesn't like your dog, I think

The little boy next door is still studying she says eyeing my kids"
Maybe he needs it, I think.

"Your son is wouldn't open the door for me when you went to the store"
Why did you go to my house to talk to my kids when you knew I went to the store? I think.

"Your son is afraid of the world, she says... he won't say a word to me."
He doesn't like you, and is too polite to let you know, I think.

"The neighborhood kids can go wherever they want, she says, how come your kids have these boundaries?"
Have you heard the way these kids curse? I think

I say all of these things to her in my head, but I can't get anything to come out of my mouth that does not sound hateful.


1 comment:

Henry Cate said...

I don't have any great advice. I've found that some people are toxic, that you can't have a healthy relationship. This neighbor does sound like some one you may want to keep your distance from.

Good luck.

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...