Why I blog about homeschooling

I am not awake right now. I am sound asleep.

How am I blogging in my sleep you may ask? Easy, because I just stumbled upon a tool that allows you to blog in my absence. How cool is that?

"This Internet thing is wild." (Tay Zonday)

Anyway, in my last post I introduced a contest and I asked my readers to tell me why they blog about homeschooling (or education).

I figured I might as well tell why I do it.

I blog about homeschooling because I am a learner by nature. In fact, I am a kinesthetic learner. I learn by doing. So I started my homeschooling blog so I could record everything I learned, to cement it in my head and keep a record. I continued my homeschooling blog because now that i know what I know, I can't keep it to myself. I love sharing homeschooling encouragements with people who are on the fence, or don't know what to do. I love visiting with other homeschoolers through the electronic exchange of ideas.

Like homeschooling, I just like it.


Cassie - Homeschooling Four said...

I came across your blog and thought I would share why I homeschool. You can see the many reasons why at http://homeschoolingfour.blogspot.com/2007/11/why-i-homeschool.html

Anonymous said...

That is why I blog about homeschooling as well...it started out just sharing lesson plans and now has more to do with discussing news and opinions. It is strange how a blog develops over time!

Principled Discovery

Anonymous said...

Let's see... I blog to record some of our work... to make a "living" scrap book for the kids.

It is also so nice to see what other homeschooling families are doing - get ideas - and get support when we are "stuck" on something.

Homestead Mama

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...