Stupid things stupid people say about homeschooling

Video of me reading the usual homeschool objections.

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Mama Teaching 3 said...

Silly Anti-Homeschool people....

I am in total agreement with you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your submission to the Homeschool Carnival. You can find your post at

Eric Novak

Anonymous said...

Thanks for leaving a comment. I added a warning because there are a lot of kids that get on the Carnival and click through to all the links.
My parents felt that we had better warn them that there was some material at the beginning of the video that wasn't appropriate for a younger audience.

Eric Novak

Unknown said...

You speak straight from the heart!

To the writer who was positing the objection to homeschooling as isolating and indoctrinating then added parents who travel are the only ones who could expose their children to other cultures...

How is that an objection to homeschooling? It's rather an endorsement. Parents whose children are imprisoned in public schools are relegated to traveling only at peak times, which automatically limits their choices and opportunities for exposure. Homeschooling families can (and often do) take their school on the road, integrating their travels into their curriculum. The history, economy, culture and geography of the places visited become the topics of the hour. The traveling homeschooled students thereby learning far more about each destination than a family traveling for vacation.

It's the children stuck in school, isolated with their age-mates and kept away from people of differing ages, bored silly and wasting their days while planning what to do *after* school who need a break. They're being indoctrinated by their government and teachers' unions rather than having an opportunity to question and challenge all that they encounter.

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...