If you don't homeschool, you're a heathen?

I just read a blog from a Christian homeschooler who stated Real Christians Homeschool and anyone who send their child to school, Christian or otherwise is a heathen.

I kept searching for the punchline because I thought "surely this must be a joke", but I could not.

I think this is a dangerous statement to make for several reasons.

1. This is the biggest reason homeschoolers are vilified as it attempts to demean those who do not homeschool.
2. There are many good god-fearing Christians who do not homeschool, and God may actually have a plan for their family within the Christian or public school setting.
3. This is just bad behavior that I can't see God honoring.... "let the one without sit cast the first stone....".

I am a Christian Homeschooler, and don't don't approve THAT message!

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Janet said...

I think you hit the nail on the head. We attended our first ever Christian Homeschoolers Convention this year (it's our first year of homeschooling) and although we're Lutherans, we were not even close to "christian enough" for a large number of the famiies we met.

I consider myself to be a very conservative woman yet in this particular group I was definately considered the radical liberal fringe. Many of the people were very nice, a few tried to save me (and I was being quiet when my beliefs differed from theirs), a few tried desperately to prove me to me that Mormons and Catholics are NOT going to be joining us in heaven.

It was not my idea of a welcoming environment.

Anonymous said...

Andrea, I enjoy reading your postings on Families.com and just found this blog today. I think that it is fear of judgements, like you mentioned here, by others that is keeping me from "taking the plunge" into homeschooling. It's silly, because I have a year's worth of curriculum for each of my 3 kids ready, but we aren't using it.

Ahermitt said...

Ali, I think it was BILL Cosby who said that there is always going to be someone who doesn't like what you are doing. There is no way to make everyone happy, so we have to concentrate on what makes us happy.

Brittney Harmon said...

so I just found you today on youtube. I think you're great, and I don't even plan to home school. I guess I just like the realness in your voice and the touch of attitude here an there. I will be checking in more :o)

Crimson Wife said...

Well, I'm glad that the Lord has given the author the gift of being able to see within the hearts of every single family not currently homeschooling to know their true motivations...

Dawn said...

Maybe it springs from some kind of immaturity or insecurity? Some people who happen to be Christian can't be confident in their own choices and so they must justify those choices with the Bible. Of course, once you've quote-mined and cherry-picked to justify your choice the obvious conlcusion is that YOU'RE doing the biblical thing and all those other pretenders who haven't done as you have aren't really Christians.

Anyhow Ahermitt, you're definitely in the right on this issue.

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

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