What Obama's Inauguration means to us

I am one of those black people who has never set myself apart from other people. I refuse to segregate myself. I shy away from black-only situations, and like to be in the middle of the action, no matter what color that action is.

Still, while I have managed to transcend race in many areas of my life, I am surrounded by people who don't think like I do. I have siblings who feel held back by "the man". I have gone to college with people who already felt defeated. Insecurities based on nothing more than being black is a horrible thing to witness.

For me, seeing Obama actually become the president means that whenever someone makes an excuse that "the man" is holding him back, my argument won't be empty talk. It means that there are no excuses for being less than great. It means that someone came before you, it has been done... what is your problem.

I think my kids explained it best.

After the inauguration I asked my 14 year old son what this moment meant. He said it meant that he could do anything in his life that he wanted and nothing should be able to hold him back. I asked if he felt that he could not do these things before. He said he had doubts.

I asked my 12 year old daughter the same thing. She replied, nothing has changed for me. I always knew I could do anything I wanted. She asked why skin color mattered anyway? It's silly.

I agreed and told her what I felt about that. I feel that now that we finally have a black person reach the highest office in the United States that perhaps race can finally stop mattering.

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NAPturALLBluT said...

I doubt race will EVER stop mattering. I am constantly receiving texts and emails about his "blackness". It's like that's all that some people see. The latest text messages says, (and I quote) "Enjoy the day. It's ours. We got a BROWN president, but remember your boss is still WHITE & can give you a PINK slip so dont show ur BLACK @$$!"

I personally did not vote for him. I look at a person's politics. But maybe that's just me>>>

Ahermitt said...

What kind of people text you... a person who sent something like that to me be ignored from now on end... btw, I voted politics too... it is presumptions to assume otherwise.

nomore said...

hi there! I was just doing a little browsing on the internet for homeschooling blogging momma's.

I am really intrigued by your post. I like it. I am a firm believer that in the Lord's eyes ther is NO color, and No favorites!

I would love for you to take a peek at my blog and what I posted on Jan 20 about President Obama. I would be interested to know your thoughts.

Blessings to you dear fellow Homeschooling Mom! hope to see you!
Deanna :O)

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...