It's 2011

Happy New Year ya'll.  It's 2011 and my son, my oldest of my two kids will graduate in 2012.  That seems almost crazy to me.  Even though it feels like we have been homeschooling forever.  Even though he stands a good 6 inches taller than me.  Even though he has show he is ready for college, it is hard to believe that the time has passed.

Last year was a year of being still for me.  I was quite purposeful about it. I needed to get in touch with myself and I needed to make sure my kids were on track.  This year will be a year of action.  I am ready to take that last lap with gusto.  I am ready to be active, and vibrant, and dynamic and happy-er.

Here's to 2011

WalletPop Contributor


Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

Ya-hooo! That's amazing to think of, having a homeschool graduate. Aand, only having one child to educate next year. What's THAT going to be like?! :)

Ahermitt said...

It's a year and 4 months till his graduation, so I will have one child to homeschool the year after next AND it will be her last year!

She's a handful, so I won't be missing anything.

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

Ha... I think every family has at least one kid like that.

And... did you mean to comment on my Puritan ancestors as being "cannon fodder?" LOL I laughed! It's ok, but I have no idea what you put on the other guy's blog...

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...