Homeschool blogging A to Z : E is for Email Lists

 If it were not for email lists, I probably wouldn't still be homeschooling. Email lists (like yahoo groups) are a great way for homeschoolers to access the knowledge and resources of everyone else in the group.

I belong to probably a half dozen of these homeschool email lists, and each for a
different reason. Some are for local support and socialization opportunities.  Others are for purely academic reasons, such as curriculum review, or gifted information.  Others are for spiritual growth and support.

Through these groups, I have met friends, gained information, and felt supported throughout my homeschool experience.  Don't try to homeschool without one.

WalletPop Contributor
Brighthub Contributor


Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

Interesting. I have seen a few of these about and never really wanted to join. Maybe you have found way better ones but the ones I see are more like, should my daughter always wear a slip with her dress/ I'm worried about modesty and whether underwear is good enough and does anyone have a pattern for bloomers... neverrrrmind. lol

Ahermitt said...

I found a great group where we talk about everything from diet to prayer requests, to struggles with children. The only modesty conversation we had was on Prom dresses, and that was a very necessary conversation. It did however, take me some years to find a group with this great balance.

Before that, I primarily stuck to groups that discussed academics.

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...