Homeschool blogging A to Z : F is for Free

An argument I often hear about homeschooling is that only well to do families can homeschool because it costs so much.  

That's just not true.

The bulk of my homeschool materials are FREE.  Yes, free....

I prefer to spend my money on extras for my kids like fine arts, music, drama club and etc. (But if you look hard, you can also get these for a reasonable cost.)

Meanwhile, academically, I know you can homeschool for less than $30 dollars a month per child because I have done it.

In my first, and cheapest year, I spent $20.00 a month for Time4learning curriculum, and about $10 a month for YMCA homeschool swim classes (billed quarterly).

Most recently, I get all of my curriculum Free online, and what I can't get free, I get used at

Here is a free homeschool website I have been compiling all along with free and low-cost homeschool resources.  I hope you enjoy it.

WalletPop Contributor
Brighthub Contributor

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is so true! I homeschool for cheap or free. The "Dollar Tree" is another great store. They sell so many posters and supplies for $1 each.

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...