Homeschool Blogging A-Z: K is for Kindergarten

Ok. so I realize it is an epic fail that I did not finish this A to Z challenge in the month of April, but in the spirit of finishing what I start, I will continue... so...

K is for Kindergarten.

A lot of people decide to homeschool for Kindergarten and then put their kids in the first grade.  I find it
curious.  Is it really homeschooling, or is it delaying entry to school?  I guess if you teach them to read in that first year, then you have truly done Kindergarten.  But if that goes swimmingly, then why not continue?

So, I guess what I am saying is that Homeschooling for Kindergarten (only) baffles me.

WalletPop Contributor
Brighthub Contributor

1 comment:

Leigh Ann said...

There are a lot of parents out there who are intimidated by the whole reading/writing process for their child. I've met quite a few moms who sent their children to school to get reading/writing down in K/first grade, then they brought their children home to teach them. There is a new curriculum out there to FINALLY give parents all the tools they need to teach EVERY child to read successfully, not just the ones who picked it up easily. I've never seen anything like it. gives parents easy lesson plans, videos of a reading specialist actually teaching those lessons, readers to print out, encouragement & helps, etc. all on line! I think you're going to like it when you give it a look. When parents have a successful K or first grade year, with little ones who can & love to read, I think many more will choose to keep their children home throughout those tender elementary years. That's the hope & prayer! One-on-one, loving, consistant, TRAINED teaching...can't get any better than that!! Now every parent can confidently accomplish just that!

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...