Dear undocumented alien students:

I feel bad for you, the undocumented alien students who want to go to college, but is it really fair to demand entry into colleges without first taking steps to becoming legal residents?  

About 200 protesters rallied inside the Capitol to protest the state's new immigration reform law scheduled to go into effect on Friday. Many of the demonstrators said they were undocumented students at metro Atlanta high schools... "It is not OK for all these students to sit at home with all this talent and not be able to go to college," Guerrero said. "I'm not OK with knowing there are 74,000 undocumented students in the state of Georgia."   

Full story here 

My problem is not with these kids wanting a college education, but that they are undocumented.

Yes, your parents brought you into the country when you were young and you could not do anything about it.
Yes, you finished high school, and want to go to college.
Yes, recent rules are preventing you to do so.

But... why not take a year or two and go through the process of getting legal?  You are an adult now.   Make it right.  As the wife of a documented alien who became an American Citizen a couple of years ago, I know that there are many issues dealing with being an alien resident... and that's even for the people who are legal.  I can't imagine the stress that an undocumented alien goes through.

However, to demand entry into colleges and using public money to do so without becoming legal is unfair to all of the kids who were born in the country or whose families took the legal route and had them documented.  There are only so many spaces.  There is only so much financial aid.

If anything needs to be changed, there needs to be an easy process for 18 year old's who have been in the country for 4 or more years to go through the process of becoming a citizen.  It may take a year off of your education timeline while becoming legal resident aliens, and possibly citizens, but it is better than looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life.

The cost of educating legal and illegal aliens
Financial aid Ok'd for illegal students in Califorina

WalletPop Contributor
Brighthub Contributor

1 comment:

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

It drives me nuts to see these so-called "undocumented" people waving the stinkin' Mexican flag and then acting as though America owes them something. You didn't see my ancestors waving the Irish flag and demanding voter registration forms be in Gaelic, now, did you? It seems we are bending over backwards for people who have no right to be here in the first place.

Someone legally here, though? Give 'em every shot every other kid gets. No more. No less.

Though I disagree with you on making things easy for an adult who was brought to the US as a child illegally. It would just enable more people to pull the same crap with their kids, yk?

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...