Should schools get to regulate potty breaks and if so, how?

 I remember being in elementary school... actually it was a catholic school.  In the  younger grades we took a bathroom break mid-morning and mid-afternoon.  If we had to go besides that, the teacher would ask, can you hold it until bathroom break?  If the answer was no, she sent you about your business. In older grades, teachers did not have a problem letting you go when you needed, except if you had to go every day or multiple times a day, you might need to have a conversation with the teacher, parent, and or principle to find out if you were OK or if you were trying to get out of class.

So in recent news...

"A Brooklyn elementary school teacher has come up with a controversial idea to get her children to hold it in."

I know before we started homeschooling, you couldn't pay my kids to go to the public restroom.  It was just too nasty. This inability or refusal to go to the bathroom at school actually did cause, or at lease exacerbate existing health problems for my son.  So when a teacher refuses or limits a child's ability to eliminate, it is problematic.

Then there's the risk of people taking it into their own hands.  A friend of my mother's once told the story of a teacher that refused to let her go to the bathroom.  So she stood next to the teacher and peed on purpose.  She got to go home and was never denied a bathroom pass again.


1 comment:

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

Ughhhh... I can just sense the teacher's frustration; she's likely trying to teach some new concept and kids are constantly interrupting with potty requests. But still. As the teacher in the video said, if you have to go, you have to go. If there is an extreme problem with a particular child, that needs to be dealt with via principal and/or parents.

Sounds like the principal was on top of this and would just like it to quiet down. Note she didn't appear on camera and neither did the teacher; they are all trying to lay low for a bit. It's a shame the teacher didn't ask the principal or her union rep or another teacher for advice; this could have been avoided. Now the kids have also learnt that the teacher's authority is extremely limited and not only that, that policies change in the blink of an eye. Ok, that might be a good lesson to learn... just not like this.

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...