Within our upper-middle income community, we have had thefts, drug deals, speeding on streets kids play on, and vandalism... the people that did the crimes lived within the community. Take for instance the fact that my car was ransacked last night. The thief took my backpack. But before they took it they removed the contents.. My binder for the community theatre board, my folders and receipts for each costuming project. They just took the backpack and the cell phone charging brick that was in the pocket.... well, that and then they tossed the car looking for change. They didn't even take the Gas card that had $17.00 on it. Chances are, this was a neighborhood kid. Who lives in my community. If I see my backpack again, I will be pressing charges.
And then there are walls. Who are they really for? And do you really want to be trapped in with the people building them?
Thankfully the "kid" up the street and his friend around the block who were causing 98% of all the trouble in our 'hood had to move away. Their parents were deadbeats and the mortgage company likes getting paid, so...
I hope that your backpack is found soon. People can be so rotten, and you know kids in that community are NOT stealing so they can cash in and get a can of Spaghetti-O's. :/
I already replaced the missing items. Will report to the police soon. I found out that they hit up a few other cars including breaking in with a crowbar when the car was locked... May be a good thing my car wasn't locked.
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