Planning it out with Google Calendar

I tried out a couple of homeschool planners this summer.  It turns out that I like a sugesstion another blogger made better. Renaissance Mama reports that Google Calendar makes an excellent homeschool planner.  It makes so much sense, especially, since I already use Google Docs for online notebooks so the kids can submit essays to me and I can mark corrections on the page, and we can go back and forth. 

My method of using Google Calendar so far mostly resembles the way Lora from Simple Homeschool uses it. It makes sense to play around with it and find the method that works best for you.

For end of year transcript I have also found that a simple template from microsoft works does the job. 

I sure many of the homeschool planners out there work fine too, but I am such a Google addict, and I am so familiar with the tools, I figure, why bother with learning something new?

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It's actually about more just the books

You would think from my most recent posts that I am an evil taskmaster trying to force hordes of information into their heads.  For me its about so much more than just books and getting into a top notch college.

In giving my eclectically educated children a stringent curriculum to complete I am also teaching them manage time, meet high expectations, and to do things in excellence.  While a good college is a great ultimate goal, what is the use of getting them into college without strong values and willing to always do their best?

It goes without saying that faith is also an important aspect in our lives, while I probably don't make as big a deal about it in writing about homeschooling as others do.  I am more of a do as I do, not do as I say kind of person.  So the kids see me going to church and participating.  They see me doing for others.  They see me being kind even when they know, I am not feelin' it... faith is important in the entirety of our lives, not a segment of homeschooling....  but because we homechool it is allowed to be a bigger part.

Just wanted to point that out.

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Time for a break

Well as usual, as the summers come to a close, the natives rebel and take a break whether I like it or not.  It is that time. 

We are officially beginning Fall homeschooling on August 9, so this gives them 2 weeks to vegetate.  The kids are going with my husband on a business trip next week, and the following week, I am sure they will just be sleeping. 

All of the summer work is completed... except for my son's trig.  I have adjusted his schedule timeline so he can finish it by the end of September, and then begin Calculus. 

By the way both kids are officially a year older with my son's b-day being yesterday, so I am homeschooling a 14 year old and a 16 year old this year!  I may need prayer. 

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This years Academic Plan for Sophomore Daughter Grade 10

Update on this Years Curriculum for Jr. Daughter

Grade 10:

Like my son's schedule in the previous post, this looks overwhelming at first glance... but she's had busier years. 

Her work schedule will be 4 days a week for core lessons  and music practice 6-8 hours and all day Tuesday at Artios Academies.

I am also planning monthly Science and Evironmental Museum field trips.

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Update on this years curriculum for Jr. Son

 I gave a preview of this school year two months ago.  I think we have the final schedule down now:

Grade ll:

oh my... that's alot.   His work schedule is 6-7 hours a day 4 days a week, plus 10 hours on Tuesdays for the Fine Arts Program.

** edit... changed BJ Spanish 2 Book to Rosetta Stone Workbook for continuity.
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When homeschooling blogs go political

I used to love reading a particular homeschooing blog.  Not so much anymore.  The blog has gone all political.  I go to the blog for homechool encouragement, and all I seem to find is how messed up our county is now that Obama is president.

Now I have nothing against political opinions, ... and I am not exactly a liberal, but I followed you religiously because you were a stand out, one of a kind homeschool blog.  Now, you are just another bad political blog.

My rant for today is done.

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Dear Spammer

Apparently, my blog has caught your eye.  FYI.  I love spam.... to delet it that is.

So, if you are commenting for the pure purpose of getting traffic for your list site, online diploma mills, or to sell your stuff...  you can leave comments if you want, but you are wasting your time.

Thanks a bunch.

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12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...