Leaving the School System Part 2

The Lost Files
What a Difference A Year Makes Part 1
Chapter 1: What a Difference A Year Makes Part 2
Chapter 2: Background Influences
Chapter 3: What Am I doing? Part 1
Chapter 3: What Am I doing? Part 2
Chapter 4: Best Laid Plans.... Part 1
Chapter 4: Best Laid Plans.... Part 2
Chapter 5: Socialization? Part 1
Chapter 5: Socialization? Part 2
Chapter 6 : I thought I already knew my children! Part 1
Chapter 6 : I thought I already knew my children! Part 2
Chapter 7 : Leaving the School System Part 1
Chapter 7 : Leaving the School System Part 2

My son’s teacher was not exactly elated either when I told her that we would not be returning to school the next year. Her response was that he was doing "well enough".
"Why mess with a good thing?. What she did not understand is how miserable and bored
he was. He was just not the type to act out. He is the type to get depressed. He could easily slip through the cracks and we could end up losing him in any manner of ways. The teacher argued it was wrong to remove one of the better students from the school because it hurt the rest of the students. "But what about this student?" I asked her. She had no answer for me. She knew I was right, and in the end, she gave me all the information I needed to have them completely withdrawn from the school system so I would not have to deal with truant officers in the fall.

I do not blame my children’s teachers for not wanting me to homeschool my children.
First, I believe they actually cared for my kids, I could see it in their eyes, and they where both very affectionate toward my kids. In addition, my deciding to homeschool after the children were in their classes could seem like a direct reflection of their teaching skills.

The major reason for the teachers' objections I believe is that teachers are trained to keep children in the schools at all costs. There are quotas that need to be met concerning the number of children diagnosed with ADD each year, ( especially since the No Child Left Behind Law) so the worst children in every class tend to get labeled whether they have a real disability or not. In addition, loss of children to homeschooling or public schooling means loss of money to the local school for that child. The federal government keeps that money. In addition to teaching, teachers are under pressure to meet these quotas.

To avoid potential drama when withdrawing your children from public schools, I suggest you wait until you are ready to start before you inform the teachers of your plans. Do not do as I did and inform them months before the actual ending date. You will save yourself, the teachers, and administrators a ton of grief.

Read more Notes From a Homeschooling Mom

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12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

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