Go figure... My computer is dying

Considering the fact that I own an iPad and a iPhone and there is a family computer I am wondering if I should just mine it for photos and documents or replace it.

Meanwhile, as mentioned in my last post I am trying to make the most of the technology I have. I am creating this very blog through an app. I would love to see how it formats. It looks like I can add photos if I want but not much of anything else.

note. Looks like the app is minimally effective, but I can edit the blog through Safari.

Must remember to use technology

  I can't believe that I have been surrounded by all of this technology in my home, yet, I neglect to use it.  Each person in my home has a computer, and an iPad, and a smartphone, and one also has a Kindle (and is already checking out the new Kindles being released today).   Some computers are newer than others.  Some iPads are bordering on Dinosaur status.  Some smartphones are really paperweights and need replacing, but the point is... this household is chock-full of technological tools. But we are not using them.

We tend to forget that iPads are for much more than Angry Birds and Scrabble. Iphone are for more than chatting and texting. Laptops are for more than word processing and bill paying.  We have to get it through our heads that each and everyone of these tools that we own, love, and use have a bazillion uses that we are

Vocabulary for homeschoolers or people who slept through Grammar Class

About three years ago, when my kids were about 12 and 15 I overheard an argument. One said "Its pronounced QUEW-EE-YOU"  the other said "It's pronounced "QUAY-AWAY".  This went on for a while, so I walked up and say what word are you arguing over.  They showed it to me.  It was:

queue[kyoo] Show IPA noun, verb, queued, queu·ing. noun

1.a braid of hair worn hanging down behind.
2.a file or line, especially of people waiting their turn.
3.Computers . a FIFO-organized sequence of items, as data, messages, jobs, or the like, waiting for action.
I chalked it up to a homeschool mistake.  

I had a similar incident the other day with my daughter. We were watching the Dragon-con parade and I couldn't see the sign that a group of black colored elves were carrying and asked her to

Hats off to those who teach

Happy Elf Mom got me pre-occupied today with Tony Danza's project, Teach.   I actually ended up watching more than I thought I would.  Regardless of how his days did or did not go, I saw a ton of heart.  I have to say that I have had a lot of aught with different teachers over the years.  I have also had a lot of good teachers, not to mention that I was raised by a teacher, and have a very dedicated teacher in my family.

I saw that the best teachers have a lot in common with Mr. Danza... heart.  I saw tears on the program.  I saw tears in my home.  I see tears in the eyes of my family members who teach now. They don't cry because

All this stuff is just extra

I spent the weekend at Dragon*Con.  I won't rehash it all because I wrote about it here.  But there's is always something refreshing about leaving my over-sized Atlanta McMansion and living in a 12X15

Don't be stupid

 There is a local YouTube sensation named Megan McGlover.  She starts out reporting (ranting) about the weather, then she goes off on tangents about other things in the news.  She usually ends her report with "don't be stupid".  She's got a point.

Fifty years ago, Mr. Richard Eggers was stupid.  He was about 18 years old and he made a cardboard dime and used it to operate a washing machine. His "stunt" as he describes it landed him in jail for two days.  As far as anyone knows he has been a law abiding citizen ever since.  However, Wells Fargo, the bank Mr. Eggers worked for fired him for the 50 year old stunt. There's a whole bru-ha-ha about new FDIC laws about having people with criminal activity working at banks and banks being overzealous in weeding out

DragonCon and other news... according to me

 Here I am drinking a Big Carl sized cup of water trying to force a tension headache out of my body.  I always get sick when I am excited... or when I am braiding my hair... both of which I am doing this week.  I am excited to be taking my daughter (and my husband and myself) to the Dragon*Con convention downtown. 

It's funny how people react when I say I am going to Dragon*Con.  Makes me wonder if I should keep it to myself.  It's like I'm a great big freakazoid, going to hang out with the other freaks.  First of all, I never-ever professed to be anything less than completely crazy and wildly eclectic.  After all, I homeschool, don't I?  Isn't that a fringe activity?  My daughter did pageants during her tween years... another fringe hobby.  Why

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...