Homeschool Blogging A-Z: K is for Kindergarten

Ok. so I realize it is an epic fail that I did not finish this A to Z challenge in the month of April, but in the spirit of finishing what I start, I will continue... so...

K is for Kindergarten.

A lot of people decide to homeschool for Kindergarten and then put their kids in the first grade.  I find it

Homeschool Blogging A to Z: J is for Jokes

 Homeschoolers have a good sense of humor.  In fact, I don't know that anyone teases homeschoolers more than homeschoolers.  We wear t-shirts proclaiming "homeskooled" and sometimes the moms wear denim dresses just for sport, per the stereotype.  Regardless, here are some videos featuring homeschool jokes for

Homeschool Blogging A to Z: I is for Internet

 Without the internet, I would not be homeschooling.  Period.  

With online curriculum,
Instant research capabilities
message groups
and free curriculum,

homeschooling probably would not have taken off as such a big movement without this wonderful technology. 

Here's to the internet!

WalletPop Contributor
Brighthub Contributor

Homeschool Blogging A to Z: H is for Highschool

As my kids got closer and closer to high school age, their homeschool friends started disappearing.  Where I only had to drive five or 10 minutes to do things with other homeschoolers, we now drive 40 minutes regularly, especially if we want a large crowd of homeschoolers.

The reason is that homeschoolers drop off (enroll in public and private school) as they reach high school age.

12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...